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Covered Plants

C Class members

Class C Members may include various universities, vocational training centers and other representatives of the academic field. C members shall pay Membership Fee (2850 GEL or In-kind contribution)


HollandDoor is a service provider based in the Netherlands, which is recognized and well-known among professional agricultural and horticultural stakeholders locally, regionally, and globally. Its core activity enables connections between the supply and demand of knowledge by organizing tailor-made study tours, training, and business matchmaking. HollandDoor offers a professional and independent client-focused approach and hospitality. It maintains strong relations with various Dutch and international research and education institutes.


Extension services have a significant relationship network with private actors in the agricultural supply chain (from breeding and production to export companies) in different commodities (vegetables, fruits, flowers, ornamental plants, dairy, meat, etc.). HollandDoor is familiar with rural development and circular and climate-smart agriculture and covers themes such as sustainability, organic production methods agrotourism. 

Partner HollandDoor Coöperatie U.A..png

HollandDoor Cooperative U.A


Country of Origin: Netherlands

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